We are broadly interested in how people learn in complex, real-world circumstances. However, as our acronym indicates we have a number of areas we focus on depending on the project:
Representations: Representations are anything that stands for something else. A name, word, picture or diagram can each refer to the same object or idea, transforming how we understand that object or idea. We are interested in all kinds of representations including drawings, pictures, graphs, plays, skits, and computer simulations.
Activity: We build on sociocultural theories of learning, which highlight the fact that people are always acting in a social world, often in pursuit of one or more goals.
Play: Play is both a powerful motivator and a key element of human learning and development. We are interested in exploring what kinds of play, and how it can be organized to support learning.
Technology: We design new technologies that help bring people together to learn in new ways.
Most of our projects combine these ideas together!
Recent publications by RAPT lab members
Humburg M, Dragnić-Cindrić D, Hmelo-Silver CE, Glazewski K, Lester JC, Danish JA. Integrating Youth Perspectives into the Design of AI-Supported Collaborative Learning Environments. Education Sciences. 2024; 14(11):1197. https://doi.org/10.3390/educsci14111197
Barnes, T., Danish, J., Finkelstein, S., Molvig, O., Burriss, S., Humburg, M., Reichert, H., Limke, A. (2024). Toward Ethical and Just AI in Education Research. Community for Advancing Discovery Research in Education (CADRE). Education Development Center, Inc.
Fonteles, J., Davalos, E., S, A. T., Zhang, Y., Zhou, M., Ayalon, E., Lane, A., Steinberg, S., Anton, G., Danish, J., Enyedy, N., & Biswas, G. (2024). A First Step in Using Machine Learning Methods to Enhance Interaction Analysis for Embodied Learning Environments. arXiv preprint arXiv:2405.06203.
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Zhou, M., Steinberg, S., Stiso, C., Danish, J. A., & Craig, K. (2024). Using network visualizations to engage elementary students in locally relevant data literacy. Information and Learning Sciences, 125(3/4), 209-231.
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